1 day ago
Friday, November 9, 2012
Let it snow, let it snow!
Today is a snowey, snowey day. I am not looking forward to it, but we need to have the snow. The kids are super excited for it they want to go out and play in it. I think it is going to be hard to tell them then no when they get home from school. I think I will have to bribe them with something. I will have to tell them that when they get done doing there reading homework then they can go out and play. I am not ready to deal with the mess yet and not all the kids have boots. I guess I will have to get on that. LOL!
Issac is still enjoying his job. He will be hiried on in a coupple of months. That will be nice. The companie is all about the family. They let him leave when I need to get to work as long as he tells his boss and is able to get his 40 hours. We are still hoping that he will be able to get a job that he will be able to provided for the whole family so I can quit my job. I would like to be able to be home at night so I can cook dinner and read with the kids.
Speaking of the kids. Alex and Lizzy had partent teacher confrences this week. They did good. Alex is reading at a second grade level and not doing so well in math, but we will work on that with him. I found a math book for $.79 at a book store. He will be getting that for Christmas. He actually got into trobble the other day. I had to laugh. I made him tell me what happned he told me that he was fighting over a marker. I guess 3 kids were involved and had to pull there names. I asked him if he used his words to tell the other kids what he wanted and he said no. I told him that next time he needs to. His teacher said that she felt bad that she had to have him pull his name because he was actually playing with other kids. We had a great laugh over that one. We did however tell him that he can not do that again. We set a goal with the teacher for the next confrence he has to talk to her for 5 mins a day. When asked how he liked that he said he didn't so I told him to bad he should have talked him selfe then and told the teacher what he wanted to do. When I went to talk to the speach teacher she told me that he is doing really good. She said that he had gotten a little scrape on his finger and would not talk until he go a banaid. So she gave him one and the he started talking more to her. She also told me that he was not talking to the school psychologist he would not talk to her, but then she told him this "don't you think that you should use your words with her don't you think that she would like to hear you"? He siad no, but when she talked to her again she said that he was a little chatter box YAH!!!! He is making grat progress. Know that he needs to be in the school and that he needs to be with this speach teacher because she is the one that is really helping him come out of his shell. I will be enternally greatfull to her for helping him to succed in life. He got up last fast and testmonie meeting a bore his testmoine.
Lizzy is doing great in school. She is getting the highest greades in almost every area. Her teacher said that she is a good student she is a big helper for the teacher. Her speach teacher tells me that when she comes to calss she walks around like she ownes the place. That made me laugh. she is reading at a first grade level. I do not have to worrie about her not wanting to talk she has lots of friends at school. Some days I find that she has taken her hair out of her pretty. She tells me that she wanted her friends to see how long her hair is. I think that is funny. I have to keep her hair in brades in order for her to keep her hair done.
Beecca is enjoying the pre-school class that she is in. She gets to go 3 times a week from 8:30-11:15. She has a really great teacher. I am not sure how long the class will go, but I am enjoying that she gets to go. she is such a happy girl. I have to keep telling her that she is old enough that she can do stuff eventhough she keeps telling me that she can't. Silly girl.
I have been feeling rally good latley. I will have to see what the weather does to me. the only thing that has been really hurting his my hands, but I can live with that because that is better than my back hurting.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
I have only voted once in my life, but I knew that we needed to have the right man becomming our president so I decied that I was going to vote. I will tell you that I voted for Mitt Romney because how nice would it be if there was a guy running our country who can recive revelation for our country. He will be a great leader. The most amazing thing is that he has the prestood, the athority to act in the name of God. I feel like when he prays on matters of our country he will listen to the still small voice speaking to him telling him what he should do. If you think about it when Nephi and his family were in Jerusalem they were told that the city would be destroyed. They listed to God and were able to get to the promis land which we know is the USA and right now we are not doing that great! We need a leader to get the U.S. back on top not headed further down the list. The world is going to stop listing to us if we do not regain back some power. Just like in the Book Of Mormon when the Nephits were prideful and would not listen to God then when it came time for war then they would be defeated, but when they would listed to God then they would win. Please go and vote for Mitt Romney he is our man for prisdent. He will be the man that will lead us in the way that GOD wants this country to be led.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Family Happinings
Becca has been starting pre school and she loves it. I think that her teacher is the best! I have had all of my children tested by her to see if they can get into the classes at school that I want them to get into. Alex and Lizzy were tested by her to see if they could get into all day kindergerten and then Becca was tested to see if she would be able to go to pre-school. I was happy when I found out that Becca was going to be in her class. She is super nice and works well with the children.
Alex was tested at school for reading and we recived a letter in the mail telling me that he was not reading where he should be reading. Issac and I were floored because when he had left kindergeten he was reading at a first grade level, but probably could have went further, but his teacher didn't want to push him to much. I was finally able to talk to the teacher and found out that he was teasted in the libary with a bunch of other kids and I think that he shut down. A few weeks later I saw the speach teacher and I talked to her about it and she was going to ask if she could give the test to him because she thought that he would do a much better job. One other thing that I told her that the teacher had said was that he needed to be reading faster. His speach teacher said for him that is not important. What he needs to be doing is getting all the sounds out right not reading faster. She said that she would talk to the teacher about it. She did say that he was doing a great job in her class. He is talking lounder and much more. That made me soooo happy! I told her that I thought it was the year around school system that really helped him. she agreed with me.
Lizzy is having fun the kindergarten. She tells me that she has a best friend and that she is going to go to her house and play. I informed her that I needed to meet her parents and talk with them first. She then told me that she was going to ske for Issac's phone number so she could give it to her BFF. I just had to laugh I thought she was so funny. That girl is going to give me a run for my money. She keeps having to many mood swings she will be nice for one second and then trun all bratty. She will yell at me, spit, and hit me. I just wonder how she is going to be when she becomes a teenager. I have hope that she will mellow out sometime....soon I hope. I have been told by many people that it is just going to get worse YAH!!! for me. Gotta love girls!
I went to work yesterday and found out that I was up for a review and that my manager had done it and she had given me a small raise($.20). Which I was happy to get. Any raise is better than no raise at all. I am trying to become an assitant manager. We shall see how that goes. I am still working alot so we can get our car paied off and so I can have Christmas for my kids. I know some of you will think that I am crazy, but I have been buying stuff all ready. In fact I think that I am almost done with one of them. I just want to be done so I can enjoy the holiday seasons.
Issac was informed a few weeks ago that he will be able to be hiried on full time with the companie that he is working for now. He was hiried through a temp agency for the job and was glad that he would be able to get hiried after the 3 months was over. They are all about family. They want you to take care of family first then work. How cool is that! I was happy about that for sure. He is still training for a marathon that will be in St George next year. His brother and him are trying to run it together. It will be loads of fun.
Friday, October 12, 2012
New Blog
I am thinking that I am going to be making a food blog. I belive that there are people in the world who have to eat like I do and are not sure what they are going to do for food. If I can help them I would love too. If God gave me this illness then I am going to do all that I can to help people who feel the same way. It is hard when you start out and do not know what it do. The last thing you want to do it not be able to eat do you feel overwelmed and that their is nothing that you can eat. I am putting together some recipies so people know what they can eat. It is not that hard to change your eating habbits.
I have not been feeling so good lately my back has been hurting, but I have refused to take my medicine. I have just been takeing some Tylonal. I am trying to figure out if I weather plays trick on me or if I am just hurting. I have decied that I am going to find another missage therpust becuase the one that I have is not that great. I try out the new one on the 23rd. I hope she will be better because I would rather not take any medication. Hope you all have a great day. May God bless you with what every you need.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Becca's Birthday Ect.
Today is Becca's 4th birthday man how time flies! It is hard to belive that she is that old and that we really do not have a baby any more. I have to keep telling my self that she is old enough and that she can do things. Today I made her take a shower and wash her self. I had to put her in and make her do it, but then she was ok with it. I have been pre-paring her for almost a week that she was going to have to start taking a shower when she turned 4. That way I was not just sprining it on her at the last second. I think if I would have done that it would have been much harder on her. She is very independent, but if she does not want to do something she will tell me that she is to little to do it. My responce to that is "oh are you a baby" and then she will usually do it. She is having a hard time with the other 2 in school all day. I have now become her play buddy of course I do not mind. I think she secertly likes all the one on one thime that she gets with me that the other kids do not get. I have been trying to teach her some things that she will need to know for kindergarten next year. She is a very happy girl who loves to dance and sing and play games with you. When you call her by a different name like "stinky" (as a joke) she say no that is not my name my name is Rebecca. We love her some much and are glad that she came into our family.
I decied that I was tired of telling the kids that they need to do things before school so I made a chore chart of things that they have to do. I know this may seem weard to you, but I even got tired of telling the kids to take a shower in the morning so that is on the list. I think that are excited about it because it gives them something to do and they can get rewarded for doing it. They have to do it for 20 days and then I will give them a small reward. I put somethings that thay have to do twice a day on there to try and chalange them. Forinstance, thay have to do homework and brush there teeth twice a day. I reminded them when they went to bed what they had to do in the morning. They all got happy.
I am also hoping that this will help with Lizzy too. She get so mean with me when I need to do home work with her. I am hopeing this will help her chill out. If I am reading with her and she dosen't know the word I make her sound it out she gets really mad and yells at me I do not know what it is tell me. I tell her that she needs to know what the word is and that she needs to become a better reader and the only way that she is going to be able to do that is by sounding it out. I am hoping that as the year progress that she will mellow out. I only hope that I was not like that for my mom because if I was I am sorry.
We have been having some problem with our neibors. They have 5 yappy dogs and we have been worken up by them so we have called the police a few times. Now the wife is telling some people that Issac yelled at her so they have not been beeing very nice to us. When we try to say hi they will not talk back. I am very happy for Issac because of all the things that they have said or done he went to there house tonight and is helping them repair there roof. They are getting a new one and he is helping to take it off. We thought this might mend fences with them. Of course he only went over to help when there was someone else from the ward there who Issac could talk too. I think that made it less weard. I am proud (if I can say that) Issac for being the bigger man and going to help and not holding a grudge.
Monday, August 13, 2012
Happy Birthday To Me
Saturday was my birthday. The kids were way excited to celebrate it with me. The day before my birthday Becca said to me can you help me wish you happy birthday on your birthday because I don't know how. That was really sweet it made my heart melt. Issac wanted to make my day special and that he did. I got breakfast in bed (gronala) and the kids came in and wished me happy birthday and gave me the cards and gifts that they had made for me. I got a white table cloth, white and red cloth napkins, CTR ring, church book, and the soundtrack to the play Newisies. We decied that we were going to have some lunch at my work. Which was fun my boss Lorie bought Issac's food and mine so all we had to pay for was one kids meal. She also told me that I could have a free dessert. Some of my co-workers came and sang happy birthday to me.
We then decied to drive to the Oquirrh Mt. Temple. The kids like to see the temple from a distance and they ask if we can take them to it. We took a few photos there (on facebook)so the kids would remember at least that is what Lizzy said. Mom can you take a photo of us so we won't forget that we went there. They were asking if they could go inside and see it I told them that they would have to be 12 inorder to go in again. I reminded them that we did go inside for the open house. Alex and Lizzy then said that didn't remember what it looked like.
We then came home and waited for Bryce's family and Dustin's family to come over for dinner. We were having a bbq with hambugars and hotdogs. It was fun to have them over. We had a celebration for Becca's birthday too. She had fun opening her gifts. Issac made my cake and frosted it. I had found a recipe for Sugar Free icecream and made it. It was good the flavor was strawberrie. When I went to find fresh ones there were none that looked really good so I bought frozen ones.
Issac made my day so special. He did everything so I would not have to lift a finger. He got all the kids there food, did laundry, cooked dinner, and cleaned up from my party. I could not ask for a better husband.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
The Best!
I have decied that I am not going to let my bodie get the best of me. I am going to clean all thigs around my house. I am going to mop and sweep the floor I am not going to let this get the best of me. I spoke to a lady that came in to eat at my work and she told me that she could make me all better. I was stoked about it. I will give her a try when Issac has a job so we can afford it. I hope that you all are haveing a super fantastic day I know I am! Now I am off to tackel the kitchen floor. Have a blessed day!!!! :)
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
God is Good
God is good to us we had been stressing when Issac was going to get a job. His unemployment was going to end the last day in June. Two weeks ago I was stiiling in primary and Sister Blackburn came to me and wispered in my ear that her and some others in the ward were fasting for our little family. At the time I we were singing a song and I just wanted to cry and had a hard time not doing so. Her hubbie has dibaties so I was really, really touched that he would be fasting. Also, he is laied off from work too. He would have been able to retire in a year so I think he is just going to stay our of work. They are the nicest people. They have given us things like homemade treats. Issac works with him in the High Prests he is one of the counslers in the presidnecy. I truly belive that they are one amoung many that helped Issac get the job that he does. There have been many that fasted and praied for Issac to get a job and to you I say thank you from the bottom of my heart.
What does Issac do you say he works for Sun. They make laundry soap. They make the Walmart and Cosco brands and they also make Wisk brand of soap. the main head corters is in Texas in that plant it where they make the Walmart and Cosco brands of soap. In Issac's plant they make the Wisk soap. This job does not pay what we need to it pay, but Issac asked his boss if in the future if he could make more money and his boss said there is a chance that you could move into the office and mabye get a raise. We me and the kids were able to go and see the office yesterday. It was really cool so see the big plant. The kids had fun seeing there daddies work. We went in eventhough it said not kids allowed. We keep hoping that Issac will make enough money so that I will be able to stay home from work, but untile then I will do the best job that I can while I am at work so when I do leave they will be sad to see me go.
Alex was tested by his kindergerten teacher and she told me some great news. He was talking really loud and really good she was able to get him to read at a first greade level with 95% right she also said that she would have had him read a second grade book, but he spoke so good that she didn't want him to shut down for her. He is such a good boy and is very smart. He can read the book "Go Dogs Go" and get 95% of it right. I just love my boy. His hearing aid has broken and I am hopeing that they can fix it. It is used so I am not sure what is going to happen. They told me it could take up to 10 days and today it day 9 I think that I am going to call them because he has to go to school tomorrow and has a field trip.
Monday, May 7, 2012
Good morning
This morning Issac and I were in bed and talking to each other. He was saying how his shoulder was hurting and was saying how I was not feeling very good. He said have we gotten to this point that we complain about what is hurting on our bodies in the morning. I wanting to be funny said ya we are getting old so I guess that is what we do. Of cource we were kidding! I just thought is was funny so I had to post about it.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Lizzy and me
Things have been going ok. Issac is still without a job, but I have to keep the Faith that one day he will get a job to suport our little family. Untill then I will work. I have been doing a lot more of Togo than hosting I wish that it would be the other way around because there is more money in hosting, but oh well what can you do. My hands and feet have been hurting a lot more latley to the point that I can see the joints in my hands are swollen. I have been iceing them becuase that is what the computer told me that I could do. I just continue to pary that I will be able to get through the day at work with not really thinking about the pain. I am greatfull for my Heavenly Father for being there for me. I know that one day they will fill better untill then I will just go on living my life because you can't just give up on life you have to go out and live it.
Lizzy started going to Speach Theropy at the school twice a week for 20 minunets. She love it so much and is soooo happy to go. She will do great with the teacher. The speach teacher is wonderfull! She does a great job with Alex and I know she will do good for Lizzy to. When Lizzy was tested to see if she could go to speach she did really well. She was asked to point to a photo that was something and she was able to point to things that a thurteen year old would point too. She is not able to articulate very good she messes up her "V's and F's and a few others that I can not remember at this time. The teacher will be working on that with her. Lizzy got tested for all day kindergarten and was too smart for the class, but they had to do a drawing to finish filling the class and she was chosen to be in the class. Can I just say how happy I am that she was chosen. The teacher is great! She has been a BIG help for Alex too. It will be weard to only have one child at home. What is a mother to do LOL!
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Yummy Cookie!
These are the best cookies I have ever had! I promise you that if you make them you will not be disappointed. I have been trying to make something that is healthy and yummy for me to eat. I was tired of going on the Internet to find something so I decide that I would make up a recipe. I hope you enjoy them!
Wheat Chocolate Chip Cookies
2 Cups Shorting + 4 Tablespoons Water
1 Cup Coconut Crystals
¾ Cups Honey + a pinch of Baking Soda
3 Eggs
1 Teaspoon Salt
1 ½ Teaspoon Carmel Extract
1 ½ Teaspoon Baking Soda
3 Teaspoon Baking Powder
5 Cups Wheat Flour
1 12oz. Bag Chocolate Chips.
Combine Shorting, Water, Coconut Crystals, Baking Soda, and Honey mix till creamy. Mix in Eggs. Add and mix well Salt, Carmel Extract, Baking Soda, and Baking Powder. Add and mix Flour 1 cup at a time. Then add Chocolate Chips. Bake at 350 degrees for 12 minutes.
Note: You can substitute Brown Sugar for the Coconut Crystals.
Wheat Chocolate Chip Cookies
2 Cups Shorting + 4 Tablespoons Water
1 Cup Coconut Crystals
¾ Cups Honey + a pinch of Baking Soda
3 Eggs
1 Teaspoon Salt
1 ½ Teaspoon Carmel Extract
1 ½ Teaspoon Baking Soda
3 Teaspoon Baking Powder
5 Cups Wheat Flour
1 12oz. Bag Chocolate Chips.
Combine Shorting, Water, Coconut Crystals, Baking Soda, and Honey mix till creamy. Mix in Eggs. Add and mix well Salt, Carmel Extract, Baking Soda, and Baking Powder. Add and mix Flour 1 cup at a time. Then add Chocolate Chips. Bake at 350 degrees for 12 minutes.
Note: You can substitute Brown Sugar for the Coconut Crystals.
Saturday, March 3, 2012
I have been listing to a book in the car called "A Banner Unfurled". It is so good. It is about how the church got started and a family who joins the church and what they go through. They always go and sit around there "Hearth" (fireplace) and read the Book of Mormon and Pray. They have some spiritual experiences all though the day. It is great to see there faith. It is cool to see how they are such great friends with the Prophet Joseph Smith. Each chapter has a journal entry from one of family members. They go through so much, but there faith never leaves them. There are four book the the series. I would suggest that you read them. It makes you think about your life and how you should have more Faith and rely on your Heavenly Father to help you in all things you do in your life. I have tried to listen to the spirit more and do what I should. I want to help my children grow in the gospel. Monday night for family night we were talking about the first article of faith "We believe in God the Eternal Father, in His son Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost." For primary this year we are supposed to have the kids memorize them. We were having the kids memorize them it was great to see that Lizzy and Alex memorized them. We have been singing the songs in primary and for family night so they could memorize them. Life it great! God is good!
Monday, February 27, 2012
I know that my redeemer lives!
I have the best husband in the world. Yesterday we had my brother Dustin and his family over for dinner. His daughter Abbie was so kind to wash the dishes and put them in the dishwasher and then I turned it on. When it was done Issac put the dishes away and then loaded the rest of the dishes in the dishwasher and turned it on. He then washed 3 loads of laundry. He got up with the kids and got them breakfast and then put the dishes away. He then washed the breakfast dishes. I love it how he has started doing more around the house because he has not found a job yet and I am working between 31-35 hours a week.
Last week I was able to work a double on Thursday. I was toren because I could not have worked Thurs night and went to a relief society activity. Issac told me that I need to take a shift when it is handed to me and I said ok. I decided that I would take it and I feel the spirit tell me that I should take it. It is one of those things that you have two good things to choose from and you have to choose one or the other. When I was at work for the night shift I was training a girl to use the computer to tell her how to seat. When I was leaving my manager told me that he saw that I was doing so much to help this women learn the computer that he was going to change my wage to training because that was what I did most of the night. I was taken back because my manager never does anything for me. I was then really great full that I worked that night because I would be getting paid more for that shift. When I left I looked to the sky and said "thank you". I firmly believe that when you are doing all that you can He will take care of you.
I was asked to give a talk in church on Sunday. I was feeling a little stressed because I was having a hard time finding some stuff and when I would find something I would fall asleep trying to read it. The topic that I was given to talk about was How living the word of wisdom has helped me in my life. I felt like I did a good job. I was feeling like I needed to sing a song at the end of my talk. While I was waiting for church to start I was looking through the hymn book and found a song that I would sing. It was getting loud and then when I started singing "I know that my redeemer lives" everyone stopped making noise. The children just looked at me and I felt the spirit so much speaking to the people and telling them what I had to say was true. I wanted to bare my testimony through singing.
Last week I was able to work a double on Thursday. I was toren because I could not have worked Thurs night and went to a relief society activity. Issac told me that I need to take a shift when it is handed to me and I said ok. I decided that I would take it and I feel the spirit tell me that I should take it. It is one of those things that you have two good things to choose from and you have to choose one or the other. When I was at work for the night shift I was training a girl to use the computer to tell her how to seat. When I was leaving my manager told me that he saw that I was doing so much to help this women learn the computer that he was going to change my wage to training because that was what I did most of the night. I was taken back because my manager never does anything for me. I was then really great full that I worked that night because I would be getting paid more for that shift. When I left I looked to the sky and said "thank you". I firmly believe that when you are doing all that you can He will take care of you.
I was asked to give a talk in church on Sunday. I was feeling a little stressed because I was having a hard time finding some stuff and when I would find something I would fall asleep trying to read it. The topic that I was given to talk about was How living the word of wisdom has helped me in my life. I felt like I did a good job. I was feeling like I needed to sing a song at the end of my talk. While I was waiting for church to start I was looking through the hymn book and found a song that I would sing. It was getting loud and then when I started singing "I know that my redeemer lives" everyone stopped making noise. The children just looked at me and I felt the spirit so much speaking to the people and telling them what I had to say was true. I wanted to bare my testimony through singing.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Well so much has happened. I will start with Christmas. We went to ID to spend Christmas. We left the Thurs. before Christmas and went to stay with my parents. I had worked about 32 hours in three days so we would be able to leave in the morning. We packed all of the Christmas gifts and headed to ID. The kids had fun because my dad got out his 4 wheeler and dragged the kids in the sled. They had a fun time. Becca ended up getting a cold so she only got to do once. The weather was actually not that bad it was not that cold during the day. On Christmas morning the kids had fun opening there gifts. When all was done Issac saw an envelop on the tree that had our names on it. He opened it to find some money. Some kind person in my parents ward had given us money because of Issac being out of work. I wanted to cry, but did not. Thanks to the wonderful people who gave us the money.
My sisters family was sick with croup and was not able to hang out with us in fact they had to spend some time in the hospital. I was sad because that meant that I would not be able to see her. I wanted to be able to see her so I asked if she could go to lunch with me. I also thought that we should invite the sister-in-laws because I didn't want to make them feel left out. Lets just say that the food I ate was grouse and I will not eat at Red Robin again. My sister had the same thing as me and hers was good. It is hard when you have a stricked diet and it makes it difficult to order anything and when you finally do you want it to taste good. I felt like I was eating a greasey cow.
We had fun staying up late talking and playing games. We actually got my sister-in-law Amie to play a game. She even asked when and what game we were going to play. I am glad to see that you like to play games now Amie it only took many years. LOL!
It is good to celebrate the birth of our Savior. I love telling the kids storey about his birth. They drink in anything that you want to tell them about the gospel especially about Jesus and God. They have such tender hearts and I love that.
My sisters family was sick with croup and was not able to hang out with us in fact they had to spend some time in the hospital. I was sad because that meant that I would not be able to see her. I wanted to be able to see her so I asked if she could go to lunch with me. I also thought that we should invite the sister-in-laws because I didn't want to make them feel left out. Lets just say that the food I ate was grouse and I will not eat at Red Robin again. My sister had the same thing as me and hers was good. It is hard when you have a stricked diet and it makes it difficult to order anything and when you finally do you want it to taste good. I felt like I was eating a greasey cow.
We had fun staying up late talking and playing games. We actually got my sister-in-law Amie to play a game. She even asked when and what game we were going to play. I am glad to see that you like to play games now Amie it only took many years. LOL!
It is good to celebrate the birth of our Savior. I love telling the kids storey about his birth. They drink in anything that you want to tell them about the gospel especially about Jesus and God. They have such tender hearts and I love that.
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