Monday, May 25, 2015


I just have to say that I have a pround moma moment. Elizabth invited her friend to church on Sunday and his partens said that he could go. He had fun at church and wants to go every week. I hope that he will be able to share with his family what he learned and mabye make his family life better. His father and older brother are into drugs and some times they sell them to. The poor kid has not chance at life. He lives with his mother, father, aunt, little brother and sister. I see him hanging with the aunt most of the time. I hope that he will contune to come to church with us and that his family will want to learn and hopefully make his family life better. I am glad that we had all those talks about telling your friends about church and she decided that she would ask him to come to church with us. That helps me to know that I need to do the same thing. I need to open my moth and I need to share the gosple too. The "book" is blue and the church is true!

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