I have the best husband in the world. Yesterday we had my brother Dustin and his family over for dinner. His daughter Abbie was so kind to wash the dishes and put them in the dishwasher and then I turned it on. When it was done Issac put the dishes away and then loaded the rest of the dishes in the dishwasher and turned it on. He then washed 3 loads of laundry. He got up with the kids and got them breakfast and then put the dishes away. He then washed the breakfast dishes. I love it how he has started doing more around the house because he has not found a job yet and I am working between 31-35 hours a week.
Last week I was able to work a double on Thursday. I was toren because I could not have worked Thurs night and went to a relief society activity. Issac told me that I need to take a shift when it is handed to me and I said ok. I decided that I would take it and I feel the spirit tell me that I should take it. It is one of those things that you have two good things to choose from and you have to choose one or the other. When I was at work for the night shift I was training a girl to use the computer to tell her how to seat. When I was leaving my manager told me that he saw that I was doing so much to help this women learn the computer that he was going to change my wage to training because that was what I did most of the night. I was taken back because my manager never does anything for me. I was then really great full that I worked that night because I would be getting paid more for that shift. When I left I looked to the sky and said "thank you". I firmly believe that when you are doing all that you can He will take care of you.
I was asked to give a talk in church on Sunday. I was feeling a little stressed because I was having a hard time finding some stuff and when I would find something I would fall asleep trying to read it. The topic that I was given to talk about was How living the word of wisdom has helped me in my life. I felt like I did a good job. I was feeling like I needed to sing a song at the end of my talk. While I was waiting for church to start I was looking through the hymn book and found a song that I would sing. It was getting loud and then when I started singing "I know that my redeemer lives" everyone stopped making noise. The children just looked at me and I felt the spirit so much speaking to the people and telling them what I had to say was true. I wanted to bare my testimony through singing.
1 day ago