Monday, May 7, 2012

Good morning

This morning Issac and I were in bed and talking to each other. He was saying how his shoulder was hurting and was saying how I was not feeling very good. He said have we gotten to this point that we complain about what is hurting on our bodies in the morning. I wanting to be funny said ya we are getting old so I guess that is what we do. Of cource we were kidding! I just thought is was funny so I had to post about it.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Lizzy and me

Things have been going ok. Issac is still without a job, but I have to keep the Faith that one day he will get a job to suport our little family. Untill then I will work. I have been doing a lot more of Togo than hosting I wish that it would be the other way around because there is more money in hosting, but oh well what can you do. My hands and feet have been hurting a lot more latley to the point that I can see the joints in my hands are swollen. I have been iceing them becuase that is what the computer told me that I could do. I just continue to pary that I will be able to get through the day at work with not really thinking about the pain. I am greatfull for my Heavenly Father for being there for me. I know that one day they will fill better untill then I will just go on living my life because you can't just give up on life you have to go out and live it. Lizzy started going to Speach Theropy at the school twice a week for 20 minunets. She love it so much and is soooo happy to go. She will do great with the teacher. The speach teacher is wonderfull! She does a great job with Alex and I know she will do good for Lizzy to. When Lizzy was tested to see if she could go to speach she did really well. She was asked to point to a photo that was something and she was able to point to things that a thurteen year old would point too. She is not able to articulate very good she messes up her "V's and F's and a few others that I can not remember at this time. The teacher will be working on that with her. Lizzy got tested for all day kindergarten and was too smart for the class, but they had to do a drawing to finish filling the class and she was chosen to be in the class. Can I just say how happy I am that she was chosen. The teacher is great! She has been a BIG help for Alex too. It will be weard to only have one child at home. What is a mother to do LOL!

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