Tuesday morning around 10:00 A.M. I deiced that I would go to Albertsons to get some milk because I had a coupon to get free milk. While I was there I went to the Wells Fargo Bank to cash a small check. Alex was at school so I only had the girls with me. I went to the van to load the girls and the milk and left and drove a little ways and then I realized that I didn't have my purse. When I went back I found that it was gone. I went into the store to see if someone had turned it in of course I know that it was not going to be turned in, but I thought that I would ask anyway. I ran to the bank to cancel my debit card. I know this may be hard to believe when I could not find my purse I cursed. Lucky I forgot to bring my phone with me so that was not taken. I ran home to started calling all my credit card companies to tell them that my purse had be stolen and to call the police. Unfortunately the store camera's are broken so they were not able to look and see who took the purse. The police think that the person that took the purse was watching me and when I was putting the girls and milk in the van they came and took the purse. They tried to go to the Lowes and spend 234.00 on one of my cards, but I was too fast for them they we unable to use the card. I had reported stolen when they tried to use it. The police tried to talk to Lowes to see if they would let them view a camera and see if they would be able to reconize the face on the camera., but they were not being very nice they got mad at the police and ended up hanging up on the officer while he was triying to talk to them. The police said that they are going to try one more time to see if the Lowes will let them view the tapes.
Can I just say what a pain it is when you do not have a birth certificate or a social secerty card you will have a hard time getting a new licence. You can take in a old tax form and your baptism record in and they will issue you another one. Yes I had my SS Card and all of my kids in my wallet so I had to call my OB and ask them to write a letter saying that I was a patient, my birthday, and have the dr. sign it. I had to do the same for the kids. I just thought that I would put all of this on my blog so you will know what to do if the same thing happens to you. On a positive note Issac is sick again with Bronchitis so I had to go to Maceys and get his medications and they asked me for my preferred card I told them what happned and they asked me how many times I had filled the card so they gave me a gift card to Maceys. If you fill your perscription at Maceys ten times then they will give you a gift card for 10.00 so I thought that it was nice of them to do that for me.( It is not good that Issac is sick, but that they gave me the gift card) So do you worry about getting you kids in the car OR putting you wallet in the car first!
1 day ago
That REALLY stinks! What a mess. And I am shocked that the Lowe's employee was rude with the officer who was trying to find the purse-snatcher! WOW!
We will remember Alex in our prayers this week. I have had viral pneumonia for three weeks, UG! It is slowly getting better, but has been so long! Your purse problem is hard too! It makes so many other problems that you have to deal with with cards and ID and everything. Been there, done that twice. Hope all goes well on Thursday. Love Dave and Sharlee
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