Saturday we went to our ward's "Trunk OR Treat" It was raining so we had it in doors. We went to the cultural hall and I think the kids had fun getting the candy and other fun stuff. Then for the real holiday we had some fun food. I was watching the food net work Chanel the other day and Paula Dean showed how to make a snake so I attempted to make it. You take some dough and roll it out and put lots of mustard and then add meat of choice. She didn't put cheese on it, but I added a Mexican Blend and it was super good. You take some food coloring and add some water and then pant it on with a paint brush. When I told Issac what I was going to make for dinner to said "I hope you have a back up plan". He ended up liking it. I also made twice baked potatoes. I put sour cram, salt, pepper, cheese (Mexican blend), and butter in the filling. I then took some thick Bacon that I cut into thirds and laid it across the top of the potatoe and topped it with cheese. The kids loved the dinner. I had some dough left over so I made some cinnamon roles and topped it with some purple frosting. The kids would rather have Halloween candy then the cinnamon roles. Crazy kids! Hope you all had a fun and safe holiday.
I have been cooking sents I was 6 years old. I have always loved to cook. I have learned what goes well together when making meals. I hope that you enjoy all this food.
Cute costumes! It's so nice to see those have a new life.
I must have midded this post somehow. Your food looks fun and they look cute in their costumes.:)
i mean missed
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