Today was Lizzys 4th birthday. We let her open her gifts in the morning before Issac left for work. She was so excited to get her gifts. When Grandpa Christensen was here he asked her what she would like to get for her birthday and she said that she would like to get a princess castle and grandpa told her that she could not have one that they would cost to much money that would be a gift that you would get for Christmas not your birthday. I think that she was a little sad, but as luck would have Issac took Becca and Alex to the store and found one that was only $14.00. It has a BIG bed in it that folds out so now she can put her princess dolls in it to go to sleep. She was also happy to get a tea set, dress up gloves, tinker bell dress up dress, tinker bell movie, and some pretties for her hair. We took the kids to Chilies for lunch because I was going to be working that night and wanted to do something nice for her on her birthday. She got a free cholate shake she was super happy. Before her grandpa left he wanted to go to the store and buy her another princess doll and boy was she sooo happy.
I had made a deal with her 4 months ago that if she would go to primary for 4 weeks she could have a cinderella doll and she finally did it at the end of December so when I felt better I took her to the store to get it for her. Grandpa saw just how happy it made her so he had to get her another one which is good because I can't keep Alex away from it. LOL!
We love you Lizzy so much. You are so good at helping me with Becca when I need you to get her pj's or dypers. You are always a big help with doing the dishes and helping me bake or cook. I hope that you had a great day!
I will be making her favorie dinner tomorrow night it will be home made corn dogs and homemade mac n cheese. I hope that she will contiune to want to lurn how to cook so she can cook for others when she is older it is a good service that you can do for others. I will post a video later so you can see her opening her gifts.
1 day ago
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