Alex has been doing great in school. He has been able to start learing how to read. I have been reading out of a book that my mom gave me and he is loving that he can read it. He has also been getting paper out a looking though that book and seeing what words he can write and he is doing a great job. We are so proud of the progress that he has been able to do. He is still wipering to his teacher. The other day he wispered to her that he needed to go to the bathroom and she let him go. He has the best teacher Mrs. Pruze. She takes the time to really teach the kids. He is loving going all day.
Issac is still looking for a job and has had many interviews, but no job yet. I know he will get the job that he is supost to get, but who knows how long we will have to wait. In the mean time I have decied to work full time to help bring in some more money until he gets a job. I work Monday from 10:15-5:00 and then I work Tues-Friday from 4:00-10:00 OR until 11:00. I was able to go back to hosting and get a rais so that was nice. They were short some hosts and they needed someone who could be a leader. I was not able to serve anymore becuase it hurt my body to much. I am just so greatfull that I have a job at this time so at least we have some money comming in.
The girls are still being girls. Becca is going to school for an hour two times a month. She likes going to school. Her and Lizzy play really well together and have so much fun being together. They like to play baby a lot and Lizzy like to be the baby. It is so cute to watch them play. We are trying to get Lizzy into headstart so she will be able to learn.
I have been trying to sweeten my food with Coconut crystals. I have read that it is better than sugars and some sweetners espically for those who are dibatic. I have only tried it once in making cookie bars, but I do put it in my cream of wheat everyday and it is good. It is super pricey so I am not sure that I am going to keep in useing it.
1 day ago
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